31 Aug 1772
Hurricane San Ramón was the second of three hurricanes in a row to pass through and destroy houses and plantations across Puerto Rico, Barbados, Saint Kitts, and Nevis.
5 Mar 1770
The Boston Massacre occurred.
16 Jul 1769
Father Junipero Serra started his first mission in California named 'Mission San Diego.'
29 Jun 1767
The Commissioners of Customs Act was passed in the US.
23 Nov 1765
Frederick County, Maryland, US, refused to pay the British Stamp Tax.
17 Mar 1762
New York City held the world's first St Patrick's Day Parade.
20 Mar 1760
The Great Fire of Boston destroyed 349 buildings.
30 Nov 1753
Benjamin Franklin was awarded the Godfrey Copley Medal.
1 Sep 1752
The famous Liberty Bell arrived in Philadelphia, US.
11 Nov 1750
The first college fraternity, The Flat Hat Society, was formed in the Raleigh Tavern at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
14 Mar 1743
Boston became the first American city to have a town meeting.
11 Jun 1742
American leading figure Benjamin Franklin created the Franklin Stove.
31 Mar 1736
Bellevue Hospital opened the NYC Almshouse, the first public hospital in the US.
18 Jan 1733
The first polar bear in America was exhibited in Boston.
14 Nov 1732
Louis Timothee became America's first paid librarian.
23 Jul 1726
Benjamin Franklin sailed from England back to the US to work for a Quaker merchant in Philadelphia.
26 Jun 1721
Dr. Zabdiel Boylston of Harvard University gave the first smallpox inoculations in Boston following America's biggest outbreak.
26 Nov 1716
The United States exhibited the country's first-ever lion in Boston.
14 Sep 1716
Boston Light was illuminated for the first time.
6 Jun 1716
The French ship named Aurore transported the first African slaves from Senegambia, West Africa, to Louisiana, US.
25 Nov 1715
The UK approved the first American patent.
23 Jul 1715
The first lighthouse in America was given the green light to be built at Little Brewster Island, Massachusetts.
6 Jul 1699
Pirate Captain Kidd was arrested in Boston, Massachusetts, US.
7 Dec 1696
One of America's oldest documented highways was completed on this day in Connecticut, USA.
22 Sep 1692
The last group of people was hung for witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts, US.
19 Aug 1692
One woman and four men were hanged for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, bringing the total to 20 during the witch trials.
19 Jul 1692
Five women were hanged for witchcraft as part of the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts, US.
10 Jun 1692
Innocent Bridget Bishop was the first person to be trialed and hung for witchcraft in Massachusetts, US.
22 Apr 1692
Edward & Sarah Bishop and seven others were examined by Magistrates in Salem, Massachusetts, for witchcraft.
29 Feb 1692
The first warrants were issued to arrest three women accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, US.
7 Oct 1691
The Massachusetts Charter was signed, which established the Province of Massachusetts Bay.
3 Feb 1690
The first paper money was issued in America in the Colony of Massachusetts.
6 Oct 1683
Thirteen Mennonite families arrived in Philadelphia from Germany.
27 Oct 1682
Englishman William Penn founded Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
19 Sep 1676
Bacon's Rebellion set Jamestown, Virginia, on fire after a year of conflict to change Virginia's Native American-Frontier policy.
12 Aug 1676
The war between English Colonists and Native Americans in New England ended.
9 Sep 1675
The New England Confederation declared war on the Wampanoag Indians.
9 Aug 1673
Admiral Cornelis Evertsen de Jonge led Dutch forces to recapture New York from the English.
25 Mar 1668
The US held its first horse race in Long Island, New York.
20 Sep 1664
Maryland passed its first anti-amalgamation law.
15 Nov 1660
The first-ever licensed kosher butcher opened in New York City.
21 Nov 1654
Freed black man Richard Johnson was granted 100 acres of land in the state of Virginia.
5 Jul 1643
The US recorded its first tornado.
5 Jan 1643
The first legal divorce of the American colonies was granted to Anne Clarke.
6 Nov 1639
The Richard Fairbanks Tavern and Post Office in Massachusetts became the first American colonial post office.
25 Sep 1639
The first printing press was set up in New England, US.
25 Jun 1638
American colonies recorded their first astronomical event after observing a lunar eclipse.
24 Aug 1635
The Great Colonial Hurricane hit the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Jamestown Settlement in New England, USA.
5 Feb 1631
Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island, arrived from England in the Massachusetts Bay Colony to become a minister in a Boston church.
16 Sep 1630
The village of Shawmut in Massachusetts adopted the name Boston.